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How to dress?

We know that the vast majority of you, experienced cyclists, have been quite clear about this topic for a long time, but there are new cyclists who can obtain relevant information on this matter that will help them achieve better performance and greater comfort when riding. bicycle.

Dressing well to practice any cycling discipline is simple, you just need to have the appropriate clothes and put them on in the correct order. Let's start at the bottom, the culotte. As the vast majority of you know, underwear is not worn under the culotte, if it were used it would cause countless chafing and great discomfort, apart from very high sweating. With this point clear, the following is simple, never use culottes in poor condition. If we wear shorts with a pad in poor condition, we will be exposed to chafing and possible infections or boils, risking turning a fun outing into real suffering.

Once we have put on the shorts we will proceed to dress with the first layer called the base layer. Then we will go on to dress the jersey, either short or long sleeved, they are usually jerseys made of a very elastic fabric, this allows them to always go as close to the body as possible, thus gaining comfort and avoiding snags. Once we are ready with the jersey we can go out to ride taking into account that we should always carry a raincoat with us, as light and breathable as possible. In a sport like cycling, the breathability of the garments is mandatory, especially in hot climates or in those places where the orography of the terrain is very rugged. It is normal that when we climb hard slopes the engine radiator gets hot if the Body is not properly ventilated, plain as it reads.

For colder weather replace the shorts with a long one and if the weather is very cold then you can use a long thermal short. Do not forget the cape that protects you from the elements. The rain wets, no matter the season of the year. As added elements we recommend a balaclava, a neck tube and good gloves. Remember something of vital importance, whether you ride on the road or in the mountains, always try to wear some reflective detail on your equipment, whether on your helmet or on your clothing. Walking safety is always above the look!

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